That was fantastic !
That was fantastic !
It was perfectly represented and I love what you have done with it. The House of the Rising Sun is a great song and I never heard it before watching your work. I would thank you for this and the good time you have made with this good piece of work!
With that is say, have a good day !
That was amazing ! I never thought of something that far expressive than what you made. This definitely express the living being a its core. You are a great artist CondaPablo ! Keep going and bring on the smile into shining ! :D
Great ! I love the story and the ambiance ! Can't wait to watch the next episode ! :)
Thank you very much! The next episode is on the way, I'm working on the rough animation now. :)
It's funny :)
Love it !
Not that bad, sure there is som ething you should add. Like dialogue or other people who we could seen to understand his "job'' . Or put an enemy we would like to hate for so on. Anyway your work is good ! The end was a bit unexplain. But i like it ! Keep going buddy ;)
Lovely, that was great :3
Joined on 10/10/12